
Website by Akuma

The Story

The world of Taris was peaceful and calm for my twin brother Merik, and I.  When we were young, We would always be picked on, just as any other child at one time or another.  Eventually we came clean to our father about our scars and blackened eyes.   Our father, who had watched us begin to play fight with Sharpened sticks and ropes with stones at the end,  ((seeing as weapons were banned just about everywhere)),  began to teach us in the art of weaponry,  preticuallry Merik with the chain and I with the Dagger.

Years into our training, another ruler came to be in our world, an older man by the name of Yuuga.  The world was just as normal, until the laws set in place ever since the begining of civilization were abolished for ,the new REAPER project, a form of vigilance to be in order to obtain weapons. And things took a turn for the worst when a new law was set in place by Yuuga. The law stated, "All of those who do not choose the path of the sun ((the most common religion)) over the age of 19 were to be exicuted." Which, of course, was a problem for my family, who live in the path of the moon.  My brother and I were only 13 when the fatefull night happened.  The REAPERS came into our home late into the night and merclessly slaughtered our parents right in front of our eyes,  we could do nothing but stare in fear and awe, as we were restrained and made to watch.

Years later me and my brother on our 19 birthday left our home town, to try to put a stop to this tyrant's rule.  We however could not do it alone.  So this is how our story begins as me and my brother journey to find people who, for one reason or another, want to stop Yuuga and the REAPERS.